CUSTOMS DUTIES & CHARGES - When you're sending items internationally, it's important to know that the destination country might ask for customs or import duties along with associated fees.
Recipient Responsibility: As the recipient, it's understandable that unexpected fees can be a hassle. Unfortunately, these charges are your responsibility to take care of.
Our Commitment: At SurfStitch, we want your experience to be as smooth as possible. While we do everything we can to provide accurate information, we can't predict or control these charges. Additionally, if charges are refused, we're unable to accept returns.
Customs Policies: Each country has its own set of customs regulations. For detailed information, we recommend reaching out to your local customs office.
Parcel Abandonment: If charges are refused, there's a chance the parcel may be abandoned. We understand this can be concerning, and we're here to support you through the process.
Gift Marking: We'd love to help you avoid extra fees, but unfortunately, marking international orders as gifts isn't something we're able to do due to customs regulations.